Disclaimer - Copyright

In this disclaimer, we describe our potential liability and the copyrights of the photos published on our website.

© Copyright Autoonderdeleninkleur.nl 2018. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise stated, all rights to information (text, image, sound, video, etc.) found on this site belong to Autoonderdeleninkleur.nl or are licensed to Autoonderdeleninkleur.nl.

The full or partial reproduction, publication on other sites, duplication in any other form, and/or commercial use of this information is not permitted unless explicit written permission has been granted by Autoonderdeleninkleur.nl or unless the following conditions are met.
This information may be viewed on a screen, downloaded to a hard disk, or printed, provided that it is done for personal, informational, and non-commercial use.

Autoonderdeleninkleur.nl manages the pages on this website. Linking to and referencing the pages on this website is permitted. The webmaster appreciates being informed of this.

Visual Material
On our website, we use our own visual material. The photos of our products were taken by ourselves. All photos on this website are copyrighted. They are protected by copyright law. If someone wishes to use a photo in any way, they must always contact the webmaster/owner of this site. The photos must not be altered or modified in any way.


Veensesteeg 10M
4264 KG Veen, Netherlands
E info@autoonderdeleninkleur.nl
Contact person for privacy matters:
Erik Vos, director www.autoonderdeleninkleur.nl